...weil er schon vergeben wurde. Wir haben aber viele andere interessante Jobangebote für dich.
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MO., 11. Nov
ca. 7.5 Std.: Am Montag von 10:30-18:30, 30 Min. Pause
Stockumer Kirchstraße 61, 40474 Düsseldorf (Google maps)
Zubereitung/Ausgabe/Kassierer im Foodtruck @ MEDICA
Current health certificate as a requirement.
Written and spoken German as well as basic spoken English to conduct a sales discussion are required.
Independent management of a cash box with difference responsibility.
Hello dear temporary workers,
For our next event we are looking for competent employees for our food trucks.
You will be responsible for preparing and serving the goods, for running a barge, and for helping us prepare and clean the food truck, including small tidying up and cleaning tasks.
Black trousers, black shoes and, ideally, a black jacket are required. As the event will take place outdoors, remember not to dress too cold. Visible tattoos are not a problem, nor is subtle jewelry. Please only wear glasses as a visual aid. No artificial fingernails.
We look forward to a great event with you.