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Deniz, 25


Versatile, experienced sales professional with a broad range of expertise

Work experience:

Cashier - service employee (1 1/2 years) at Edeka:
Packing and dispatch of Christmas articles

Responsible work in retail during my school days.
Sales employee (1 1/2 years) in my own company:

Working independently in sales, demonstrating my entrepreneurial skills and sales qualities.
Promotion and service (1 year):

Successful customer acquisition and customer service at trade show booths.
Service staff experience at various events.
Event and customer service:

Trade show hostess:

Experience in various roles including admissions and security at trade shows.
Conducting market research at events with interactive elements such as wheel of fortune.
Hostess at Hertha VIP and Marathon:

Customer care at high profile events, flexibility in dealing with different environments.


Successful customer acquisition at the stand.
High willingness to learn and adaptability.
Office and office work:

Skills to work in an office or clerical environment.

Experienced in working effectively as part of a team.
Willingness to develop further:


Open to learning new skills, such as bartending.
Acting and extras work:

Interested in participating in acting and extras projects.

I am a highly motivated professional with extensive experience in sales, customer service and event management. My versatile skills, combined with my willingness to learn and adaptability, make me a valuable addition to your team. I look forward to contributing my talents and passion to a dynamic work environment

Vielseitig erfahrener Verkaufsprofi mit breitem Kompetenzspektrum


Kassenkraft - Servicekraft (1 1/2 Jahre) bei Edeka:
Verpacken sowie Versand von Weihnachtsartikel

Verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeit im Einzelhandel während meiner Schulzeit.
Vertriebsmitarbeiter (1 1/2 Jahre) im eigenen Unternehmen:

Selbständige Tätigkeit im Vertrieb, demonstriert

Deutsch - Muttersprachlich (ohne Akzent)
Englisch - Basiskenntnisse (A1 / A2)
Türkisch - Muttersprachlich (ohne Akzent)
Outfit Maße:
Körpergröße : 1,83 m
Schuhgröße: 43
Verfügbar in:
Berlin & Potsdam

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