Hi! I am Anna, 20 year old Communication and Management student from Friedrichshafen. In the past years I worked for various companies and did different kind of work. For example I worked for the main train company in Germany, Deutsche Bahn. I worked as a promoter in the train. My main task was giving flyers to customers. Another work for Deutsche Bahn was showing and informing clients about new train ways. I also have experience in the gastronomy. I worked in a restaurant as a waitress and as breakfast service help in a hotel. Except that I did two internships in media companies. I worked there as a social media manager and photographer. In addition I worked several times as a promoter for a online clothing selling platform in one of the most famous german store called Breunninger.
-Promoterjobs für Deutsche Bahn durchgeführt - 6-Monate Nebenjob als Kellnerin - aktiv in der Schüler-Mitverantwortung AG engagiert ( Organisation von Schul Events wie zum Beispiel Frühlings Bazar) - mehrere Ausstellungen für die Foto-AG organisiert und durchgeführt- 3-Monate Praktikum bei Visual Statements GmbH als Social Media Manager - Freiwilligen Camp in Island im Januar 2020
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