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DO., 10. Apr - SO., 13. Apr in Köln

Host/ess (m/w/d) @ FIBO 2025

ca. 384 €
ca. 14.75 bis 16.75 € / h
DO., 10. Apr - SO., 13. Apr

ca. 26 Std.: Täglich von 10:00-17:00, 30 Min. Pause


Köln Messe, Messeplatz 1, 50679 Köln (Google maps)

Host/ess (m/w/d) @ FIBO 2025

We are looking for model hostesses/hosts (f/m/x) for our exhibition booth at FIBO 2025

We are seeking model hostesses/hosts (f/m/x) to work at our booth in the sports nutrition pavilion during FIBO 2025. Your role will be to attract customers’ attention, take photos with visitors, and present our latest collection.



Ideally, you should be size 36 and at least 175 cm tall.
Fluency in German and English is mandatory.

If you apply to this job, you agree to confirm a transfer of rights for the images and videos taken during the job. This transfer of rights relates to the images and videos that show you during the job, in preparation for it and in the follow-up, and - with respect for your personal rights - also on an edited version of these images / videos in other contexts or for advertising purposes. The images / videos may be used temporally, spatially and objectively in all media offline (e.g., print media) and online (e.g., on the customer's home page) as well as on social networks. The images / videos must not be used for purposes that are likely to degrade or insult you in public. Your name is not mentioned when using the images / videos and you have no claim to attribution. The permission is irrevocable. The remuneration for this transfer of rights is compensated by the salary received from InStaff. Therefore, please include the amount required for the transfer of rights in your hourly wage.

Ansprechpartner für Ihre Rückfragen

Manuel Marschel: Ansprechpartner für Arbeitgeber

Manuel Marschel
Ansprechpartner für Arbeitgeber

Bei Fragen zur Personalbuchung oder zur Durchführung von Personaleinsätzen können Sie sich gerne an mich wenden.

+49 30 959 982 640

Christin Monski: Ansprechpartner für Personal

Christin Monski
Ansprechpartnerin für Arbeitnehmer

Bei Rückfragen zum Personalprofil, den Jobs oder der Online Bewerbung, könnt ihr mich gerne kontaktieren.

+49 30 959 982 660

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InStaff & Jobs GmbH

Die InStaff & Jobs GmbH vermittelt kurzfristig Beschäftigte Mitarbeiter wie z.B. Messehostessen, Eventhelfer, Catering Personal, Aushilfen & Promoter in ganz Deutschland.


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